
Command Line Console

Command Description NOTES:
/ broadcast a message
ABANDON abandon the base being orbited
ATTACK [] attack a base from orbit.
Bank [] deposit, withdraw, or show balance
BASE list your bases
COMBAT enter or leave the combat terminal mode
DESTRUCT self destruct your ship
DRYDOCK [SAVE] enter dry dock
END leave flight mode, when orbiting a planet
ENVIRONMENT report on a planet
ENVIRONMENT [] examine the current planet, or the one specified
ENVIRONMENT [] display current star system, or the one specified.
ESTABLISH [] establish a new base
FIGHTER transfer fighters between ship and a base
FIRE [] fire lasers.
HELP [] give instructions
IMPULSE [[][,<% of light speed>]] impulse drive
INFO [] print a list of commands, or a short intro
LIBRARY reprot on a planet
LIBRARY [] examine the current planet or the one specified
LIBRARY [] display current star system or the one secified.
LOAD toad a torpedo tube.
LOCK lock lasers on a target.
MAP display a map of the known galaxy
MISSILE , fire missiles at a ship
NAVIGATE [] navigate (normal space)
NAVIGATE [[][,]} Navigate (hyperspace)
OCCUPY [] land troops on a base
PAY pay off a colony's loan with cash
PICTURE [] set frequency of a picture update, or print a picture
PROBE[] fire a probe to a system, or recall the probe.
RANGE[] set scanner range.
REDRAW reprint the screen
SCAN [] find range and heading to star, or all neaby stars
SCOOP scoop a gas giant for fuel
SEARCH [] search hyperspace for other ships
SEND, send an interger messsage to another ship
SHIELD [(,)] set energy in shields
STATUS print a list of commands, or a short intro
SURVEY[.] survey a base
TAX collect taxes from a base
TORPEDO[,] fire a torpedo
TRANSFER, tranfer metal to another ship
TROOPS transfertroops between ship and base
TUNE, tune the two hyperspace radios
WARP [[][,]] warp drive (hyperspace).
WHO identify a ship
