
Revision as of 23:04, 4 July 2019 by UnNamed (talk | contribs) (Scouting)
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In order to succeed in Galaxicus your colonies need to be able to thrive. The first step in the process is picking a proper planet to locate your colony. In order to do that you are going to need to know how to use Probes. You can enter probe mode while in hyper space by clicking the probe mode button. In this navigation mode you can fire probes simply by clicking on the desired system. The probe will launch and scan the system then return with data. The data will then be added to your system library. Note system libraries are shared among team mates. Once a system is scanned you can hover over it for brief information about said system. Surveying system adds to your over all score and can be very beneficial to you and your team. When a probe is in space you will be unable to fire a missile or torpedo as the ships guidance systems will be occupied.


You can mouse over a planet once you have visited it or probed the system for basic information about said system.


The goal here is to find a planet with a suitable habitability (70%+), and as high a metal rating as possible.

Once you have found a planet inside a system you find suitable you can then orbit the planet by navigating to it. Once you are orbiting you can simple click establish. You will establish your first colony.